728x90 반응형 SMALL 자기자본증가율2 2022년 기업경영분석 The Bank of Korea is pleased to release the 2022 edition of its Financial Statement Analysis (FSA), published annually since 1960 to provide research on and analysis of the business performance and financial conditions of Korean corporations. This edition contains the financial statement analysis report for Korean corporations during 2022, the concepts behind and methods for calculating their.. 2024. 5. 6. 업종별 자기자본증가율 업종별 자기자본증가율코드(업종코드)업종코드코드(기업규모)기업규모코드(계정항목)계정항목단위변환20212022ZZZ00전산업A종합505자기자본증가율% 원자료11.358.44ZZZ00전산업L대기업505자기자본증가율% 원자료9.26.81ZZZ00전산업J대기업_중견505자기자본증가율% 원자료14.479.82ZZZ00전산업M중소기업505자기자본증가율% 원자료16.712.4A01A01 농업A종합505자기자본증가율% 원자료14.138.97A01A01 농업L대기업505자기자본증가율% 원자료-3.227.33A01A01 농업J대기업_중견505자기자본증가율% 원자료3.469.11A01A01 농업M중소기업505자기자본증가율% 원자료19.339.39A03A03 어업A종합505자기자본증가율% 원자료12.5473.96A03A03 어.. 2024. 5. 6. 이전 1 다음 728x90 반응형 LIST