미국영화연구소 (AFI) 가 선정한 100대 명대사.
1.1. 1위~10위[편집]
- 1위: "솔직히 내 사랑, 내 알 바 아니오.(Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn.)" - 바람과 함께 사라지다(미국 영화)
- 2위: "그가 절대 거절하지 못할 제안을 할거야. (I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse.)" - 대부(영화)
- 3위: "이해를 못 하는군! 나도 어엿한 권투선수가 됐을 거야. 건달이 아니라 뭔가 사람이 됐을 거란 말이야. 형 때문에 이 꼴이라고! (You don't understand! I coulda had class. I coulda been a contender.I could've been somebody, instead of a bum, which is what I am.)" - 워터프론트
- 4위: "토토, 우리는 더 이상 캔자스에 있는 것 같지 않아. (Toto, I've got a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.)" - 오즈의 마법사(영화)
- 5위: "당신의 눈동자에 건배를. (Here's looking at you, kid.)" - 카사블랑카(영화)
- 6위: "덤벼봐 이 조무래기들아. 니들 오늘 다 죽었어! (Go ahead, make my day.)" - 더티 해리 4: 써든 임팩트
- 7위: "드밀 감독님, 저 이제 클로즈업 사진을 찍을 준비가 됐어요. (All right, Mr. DeMille, I'm ready for my close-up.)" - 선셋 대로
- 8위: "포스가 함께하길. (May the Force be with you.)" - 스타워즈(영화)
- 9위: "안전벨트를 꽉 조이세요. 요란한 밤이 될 테니까. (Fasten your seatbelts. It's going to be a bumpy night.)" - 이브의 모든 것
- 10위: "나한테 말했냐? (You talking to me?)" - 택시 드라이버
1.2. 11위~ 20위[편집]
- 11위: "이 친구는 말이 안 통하는 친구라고. (What we've got here is failure to communicate.)" - 폭력탈옥
- 12위: "난 아침에 맡는 네이팜탄 냄새가 좋단 말야. (I love the smell of napalm in the morning.)" - 지옥의 묵시록
- 13위: "사랑은 절대 미안하다고 말하는 게 아니에요. (Love means never having to say you're sorry.)" - 러브 스토리
- 14위: "이건 꿈으로 이루어진 물건이지. (The stuff that dreams are made of.)" - 몰타의 매
- 15위: "이.티.는 집에 전화할래요. (E.T. phone home.)" - E.T.
- 16위: "그들은 나를 팁스 씨라고 불렀어요. (They call me Mister Tibbs!)" - 밤의 열기 속에서
- 17위: "로즈버드.. (Rosebud..)" - 시민 케인
- 18위: "해냈어요, 엄마! 세상의 정상에 올랐어요. (Made it, Ma! Top of the world!)" - 화이트 히트
- 19위: "너무 화가 나서 더 이상 참을 수가 없어! (I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore!)" - 네트워크(영화)
- 20위: "루이, 이것이 멋진 우정의 시작일 거 같군. (Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.)" - 카사블랑카(영화)
1.3. 21위~30위[편집]
- 21위: "날 조사하려던 인구 조사 직원의 간을 포도주 안주로 먹어버렸지. ( A census taker once tried to test me. I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti.)" - 양들의 침묵
- 22위: "본드, 제임스 본드. (Bond. James Bond.)" - 007 살인번호
- 23위: "집만 한 곳은 없지 (There's no place like home.)" - 오즈의 마법사(영화)
- 24위: "지금도 난 대단해! 작아진 건 영화 쪽이지. (I am big! It's the pictures that got small.)" - 선셋 대로
- 25위: "쇼 미 더 머니! (Show me the money!)" - 제리 맥과이어
- 26위: "가끔 날 보러 와주겠죠? (Why don't you come up sometime and see me?)" - 다이아몬드 릴
- 27위: "내가 건너는 거 안 보여? (I'm walking here! I'm walking here!)" - 미드나잇 카우보이
- 28위: "부탁해요. 샘, 'As Time Goes By'를 연주해 줘요. (Play it, Sam. Play 'As Time Goes By.')" - 카사블랑카(영화)
- 29위: "넌 진실을 감당할 수 없어! (You can't handle the truth!)" - 어 퓨 굿 맨
- 30위: "날 좀 내버려둬요. (I want to be alone.)" - 그랜드 호텔
1.4. 31위~40위[편집]
- 31위: "내일은 내일의 태양이 뜰 거야! (After all, tomorrow is another day!)" - 바람과 함께 사라지다(미국 영화)
- 32위: "짐작 가는 놈은 다 잡아들여. (Round up the usual suspects.)" - 카사블랑카(영화)
- 33위: "저 여자가 먹는 걸로 줘요. (I'll have what she's having.)" - 해리가 샐리를 만났을 때
- 34위: " 휘파람 부는 법 알죠, 스티브? 입술을 모으고 숨을 내쉬기만 하면 돼요. (You know how to whistle, don't you, Steve? You just put your lips together and blow.)" - 소유와 무소유
- 35위: "더 큰 배가 필요할거 같군요. (You're gonna need a bigger boat.)" - 죠스
- 36위: "배지라고? 그런 것 없어. 배지 따위는 필요도 없고 너희에게 냄새나는 배지를 보여야 할 의무도 없지. (Badges? We ain't got no badges! We don't need no badges! I don't have to show you any stinking badges!)" - 시에라 마드레의 보석
- 37위: "돌아오겠소. (I'll be back.)" - 터미네이터(영화)
- 38위: "오늘은 제가 세상에서 가장 운이 좋은 사람인 것 같군요. (Today, I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth.)" - 양키스의 자부심
- 39위: "그걸 만들면, 그는 올 거야. (If you build it, he will come.)" - 꿈의 구장
- 40위: "엄마는 항상 인생을 초콜렛 상자와 같은 거라고 말씀하셨어요.그걸 집기 전에는 알 수 없는 거라고. (Mama always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get.)" - 포레스트 검프
1.5. 41위~50위[편집]
- 41위: "우리는 은행을 털 거야. (We rob banks.)" - 우리에게 내일은 없다
- 42위: "플라스틱이야. (Plastics.)" - 졸업(영화)
- 43위: "우리에겐 파리에서의 추억이 있어요 (We'll always have Paris.)" - 카사블랑카(영화)
- 44위: "나는 죽은 사람들이 보여요. (I see dead people.)" - 식스 센스(영화)
- 45위: "스텔라! 이봐, 스텔라! (Stella! Hey, Stella!)" - 욕망이라는 이름의 전차
- 46위: "오, 제리, 괜한 욕심 부리지 말아요. 우린 지금 행복하잖아요. (Oh, Jerry, don't let's ask for the moon. We have the stars.)" - 가라, 항해자여
- 47위: "셰인, 셰인, 돌아와요! (Shane. Shane. Come back!)" - 셰인
- 48위: "누구든, 완벽한 사람은 없지. (Well, nobody's perfect.)" - 뜨거운 것이 좋아
- 49위: "살아 있어. 살아 있다구! (It's alive! It's alive!))" - 프랑켄슈타인(영화)
- 50위: "휴스턴, 문제가 생겼다. (Houston, we have a problem.)" - 아폴로 13
1.6. 51위~60위[편집]
- 51위: "너 자신에게 이 질문을 해야만 할 거다: '내가 행운아인지?' 그래, 알아들었냐, 이 조무래기야? (You've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel lucky?' Well, do ya, punk?)" - 더티 해리
- 52위: “안녕”이라고 말한 순간 당신은 날 사로잡았어요 (You had me at "hello.")" - 제리 맥과이어
- 53위: "어느 날 아침엔가 내 파자마 속의 코끼리를 쏴버렸죠. 그놈이 어떻게 내 파자마 속에 있었는지, 난 모르겠어요.(One morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas. How he got in my pajamas, I don't know.)" - 애니멀 크랙커즈
- 54위: "야구선수는 울면 안 돼! (There's no crying in baseball!)" - 그들만의 리그
- 55위: "라-디-다, 리-디-다 (La-dee-da, la-dee-da.)" - 애니 홀
- 56위: "소년의 가장 좋은 친구는 바로 엄마지. (A boy's best friend is his mother.)" - 싸이코(영화)
- 57위: "탐욕, 거 좋은 말이죠. (Greed, for lack of a better word, is good.)" - 월 스트리트(영화)
- 58위: "친구는 가까이, 허나 적은 더 가까이. (Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.)" - 대부2
- 59위: "신께 맹세코. 다시는 굶주리지 않겠어. (As God is my witness, I'll never be hungry again.)" - 바람과 함께 사라지다(미국 영화)
- 60위: "그래, 네가 또 나를 궁지에 빠뜨리는군! (Well, here's another nice mess you've gotten me into!)" - 사막의 아들
1.7. 61위~70위[편집]
- 61위: "내 작은 친구에게 인사나 하시지! (Say "hello" to my little friend!)" - 스카페이스(1983년)
- 62위: "왜 이렇게 더러운 거야! (What a dump.)" - 비욘드 더 포레스트
- 63위: "로빈슨 부인, 지금 날 유혹하는 거죠. 그렇죠? (Mrs. Robinson, you're trying to seduce me, aren't you?)" - 졸업(영화)
- 64위: "제군, 여기서 싸우지 마시오! 여기는 상황실이오! (Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room!)" - 닥터 스트레인지러브
- 65위: "간단하지, 왓슨. (Elementary, my dear Watson.)" - 셜록 홈즈의 모험
- 66위: "냄새나는 발 저리 치워, 이 더러운 원숭이들아. (Get your stinking paws off me, you damned dirty ape.)" - 혹성탈출(영화)
- 67위: "온 세상의 하고많은 술집 중에, 그녀는 내 술집으로 들어왔어. (Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine.)" - 카사블랑카(영화)
- 68위: "쟈니가 납셨다! (Here's Johnny!)" - 샤이닝(영화)
- 69위: "그들이 왔어요! (They're here!)" - 폴터가이스트
- 70위: "이거 안전해? (Is it safe?)" - 마라톤 맨
1.8. 71위~80위[편집]
- 71위: "잠깐, 잠깐만요. 아직 아무것도 안 들었잖소! (Wait a minute, wait a minute. You ain't heard nothin' yet!)" - 재즈 싱어
- 72위: "옷걸이가 없다구요! (No wire hangers, ever!)" - 존경하는 어머니
- 73위: "자애로운 어머니시여, 이게 진정 리코의 최후란 말입니까? (Mother of mercy, is this the end of Rico?)" - 리틀 시저
- 74위: "잊어버리게, 잭, 차이나타운이잖나. (Forget it, Jake, it's Chinatown.)" - 차이나타운(1974)
- 75위: "난 늘 낯선 사람들의 친절에 의지해왔어. (I have always depended on the kindness of strangers.)" - 욕망이라는 이름의 전차
- 76위: "잘 있게, 친구. (Hasta la vista, baby.)" - 터미네이터 2
- 77위: "소일렌트 그린은 사람이야! (It's people! Soylent green is made out of people! They're making our food out of people! Soylent Green is people!)" - 소일렌트 그린
- 78위: "격납고 문을 열게, 할. (Open the pod bay doors, HAL.)" - 2001 스페이스 오디세이
- 79위: "스트라이커: 물론(Surely) 농담이시겠죠? 루맥: 농담 아니오. 그리고 날 셜리(Shirley)라고 부르지 마시오. (Striker: Surely you can't be serious. Rumack: I am serious…and don't call me Shirley.)" - 에어플레인
- 80위: "이봐, 에이드리언! (Yo, Adrian!)" - 록키
1.9. 81위~90위[편집]
- 81위: "안녕, 조지우스. (Hello, gorgeous.)" - 화니 걸
- 82위: "토가! 토가! (Toga! Toga!)" - 애니멀 하우스의 악동들
- 83위: "잘 들어봐요. 어둠의 자식들이죠. 아름답지 않습니까? (Listen to them. Children of the night. What music they make.)" - 드라큘라(1931)
- 84위: "오, 아니, 비행기가 아니라네. 미녀가 괴물을 죽였네. (Oh, no, it wasn't the airplanes. It was Beauty killed the Beast.)" - 킹콩(1933)
- 85위: "내 보물. (My precious.)" - 반지의 제왕: 두 개의 탑
- 86위: "아티카! 아티카! (Attica! Attica!)" - 뜨거운 오후
- 87위: "소여, 떠날 때는 어린애였는데, 성공해서 돌아왔군! (Sawyer, you're going out a youngster, but you've got to come back a star!)" - 42번가
- 88위: "내 말 좀 들어봐요, 여보. 빛나는 갑옷을 입은 나의 기사님. 잊지 마세요. 당신은 말 위에 타고 난 그 뒤에 앉아 당신을 꼭 붙잡을 거예요, 그리고 우린 달리는 거죠! 멀리, 멀리, 멀리! (Listen to me, mister. You're my knight in shining armor. Don't you forget it. You're going to get back on that horse, and I'm going to be right behind you, holding on tight, and away we're gonna go, go, go!)" - 황금 연못
- 89위: "가진 걸 모두 가지고 나가서 오직 하나 된 Gipper를 위해 이기라고 말하게. (Tell 'em to go out there with all they got and win just one for the Gipper.)" - 너트 록킨, 올 아메리칸
- 90위: "마티니, 젓지 말고 흔들어서. (A martini. Shaken, not stirred.)" - 007 골드핑거
1.10. 91위~100위[편집]
- 91위: "1루수가 누구야. (Who's on first)" - 너티 나인티스
- 92위: "신데렐라 이야기군. 그런 건 없어. 전임 골프장 관리인은, 지금쯤, 아마도 마스터스 챔피언쯤 됐겠군. 이건 마치 기적 같구먼... 홀 컵에 들어갔어! 홀 안으로! 홀 안에 있다고! (Cinderella story. Outta nowhere. A former greenskeeper, now, about to become the Masters champion. It looks like a mirac...It's in the hole! It's in the hole! It's in the hole!)" - 캐디쉨
- 93위: "인생은 먹자판이고, 모두가 그걸 즐기고 있어! (Life is a banquet, and most poor suckers are starving to death!)" - 앤티 맘
- 94위: "속력을 내야 할 때야! (I feel the need - the need for speed!)" - 탑건(영화)
- 95위: "오늘을 즐겨라, 얘들아. 너희들의 삶을 특별하게 만들어라. (Carpe diem. Seize the day, boys. Make your lives extraordinary.)" - 죽은 시인의 사회
- 96위: "정신 차려요! (Snap out of it!)" - 문스트럭
- 97위: "저희 엄마도, 아빠도, 동생도, 그리고 저도 감사드립니다. (My mother thanks you. My father thanks you. My sister thanks you. And I thank you.)" - 성조기의 행진
- 98위: "아무도 '베이비' 를 비난하진 못해요. (Nobody puts Baby in a corner.)" - 더티 댄싱
- 99위: "귀염둥이 너도, 그리고 강아지도 내 것으로 만들어버리겠어! (I'll get you, my pretty, and your little dog, too!)" - 오즈의 마법사(영화)
- 100위: "나는 세상의 왕이다! (I'm king of the world!)" - 타이타닉(영화)
In 1861, Scarlett O'Hara, the headstrong sixteen-year-old daughter of wealthy Georgia plantation-owner Gerald O'Hara, is sick of hearing talk about going to war with the North. She much prefers to have beaux like Brent and Stuart Tarleton talk about the next day's barbecue at Twelve Oaks, the neighboring Wilkes plantation. When the twins reveal the “secret” that Ashley Wilkes is planning to marry his cousin Melanie Hamilton from Atlanta, Scarlett refuses to believe it because she is in love with Ashley herself. Her father later confirms the news when he returns home to Tara, the O'Hara plantation, and advises Scarlett to forget about the serious-minded Ashley, because “like should marry like.” At the barbeque, Scarlett acts coquettish with all of the young men, hoping to make Ashley jealous, then, during an afternoon rest, sneaks into the library to see him. He says that he will marry Melanie because they are alike, but leads Scarlett to believe that he loves her instead of Melanie. When he leaves, Scarlett angrily throws a vase and is startled to discover Rhett Butler, a notorious rogue from Charleston, who has been lying unnoticed on a couch the entire time. She is angry at his seeming indifference to the seriousness of her feelings for Ashley and annoyed by his frank appreciation of her physical beauty. Later, when news arrives that war has broken out between the North and the South, Scarlett is stunned to see Ashley kiss Melanie goodbye as he leaves to enlist, and in a daze accepts the impulsive proposal of Melanie's brother Charles.
Just after Ashley and Melanie marry, Scarlett and Charles marry as well, delighting Melanie, who tells Scarlett that now they will truly be sisters. Some time later, Scarlett receives word that Charles has died of the measles, and she is forced to don widow's black clothing and refrain from going to the parties she loves. Her understanding mother Ellen decides to let her go to Atlanta to stay with Melanie and her Aunt Pittypat, hoping that Scarlett will feel less restless there. At an Atlanta fundraising bazaar, Scarlett is so bored watching other girls dance, that when Rhett bids for her in a dance auction, she enthusiastically leads the Virginia Reel with him, oblivious to the outrage of the shocked local matrons. Rhett, who has become a successful blockade runner, continues to see Scarlett over the next few months and brings her presents from his European trips. As the war rages, Melanie and Scarlett receive word that Ashley will be returning home on a Christmas leave. Atlanta is now suffering the privation of a long siege, but the women manage to give Ashley a small Christmas feast. Before he returns to the front, Ashley tells Scarlett that the South is losing the war and asks her to stay by the pregnant Melanie.
Melanie goes into labor as Atlantans leave the city before Northern troops arrive. When Aunt Pitty leaves for Charleston, Scarlett desperately wants to go with her, but remembers her promise to Ashley, and remains with Melanie. Because Melanie's labor is difficult and the doctor is too busy attending wounded soldiers to come to her aid, Scarlett must attend her alone. After the baby is born, Scarlett sends her maid Prissy for Rhett, who reluctantly arrives with a frightened horse and a wagon. Though he thinks that Scarlett is crazy when she insists upon returning to Tara, he risks his life to drive the women and the infant through the now-burning city. Outside Atlanta, as Rhett and Scarlett see the decimated Southern army in retreat, he feels ashamed and resolves to join them for their last stand. Scarlett is furious with him, even after he admits that he loves her and gives her a passionate kiss before leaving. When the women finally arrive at Tara, the plantation is a shambles and the house has been looted. Scarlett's mother Ellen has just died of typhoid and her father's mind is gone. Desperate for something to eat, Scarlett first tries drinking whiskey, then goes into the fields. After choking on a radish, she vows that if she lives through this she will never go hungry again. [An Intermission divides the story at this point.]
Soon Scarlett bullies her sisters and the remaining house slaves into working in the fields. After she kills a Yankee scavenger and, with Melanie's help, hides the body, the contents of his wallet provide them with some money for food. When the war ends, Ashley returns and Scarlett goes to him for advice when Pork, one of the former slaves who has remained with the family, tells her that $300 in taxes are owed on Tara. Ashley offers no solution to her problem, but admits once again that he loves her, even though he will never leave Melanie. More determined than ever to obtain the money after Jonas Wilkerson, a ruthless Yankee who was once Tara's overseer, says that he is going to buy Tara when it is auctioned off for taxes, Scarlett decides to ask Rhett for the money. With no proper clothes to wear, Scarlett and her old governess, Mammy, use material from Tara's velvet drapes for a new dress. In Atlanta, they discover that Rhett has been imprisoned by the Yankees, but has charmed his way into their good graces. Scarlett tries to pretend that everything is fine at Tara, but Rhett soon sees her roughened hands and realizes what her situation is. Because he is under arrest and his money is all in an English bank, Rhett cannot help Scarlett, so she leaves, infuriated. That same day, she runs into Frank Kennedy, her sister Suellen's beau, and sees that he has become a successful merchant. Scarlett tricks Frank into marrying her by telling him that Suellen loves someone else, and is thus able to use his money to save Tara. Scarlett then moves to Atlanta to work at Frank's shop and to make his fledgling lumber business a success. She also uses an unwitting Melanie to help make Ashley come to work at the lumber mill. One day, Scarlett is attacked by scavengers while driving her carriage near a shanty town, but is saved by Big Sam, a former Tara slave. Scarlett is not physically harmed, but that night Frank, Ashley and some of the other men band together to “clear out” the shanty. While Scarlett, Melanie and the other women wait at Melanie's house, Rhett arrives to warn them that the Yankees are planning an ambush. Melanie tells him where the men have gone, and some time later, he prevents their arrest by pretending to the Yankees that they have all been drinking with him at the notorious Belle Watling's bordello. Ashley is wounded, but Frank has died on the raid.
A few weeks later, Scarlett, who is drinking heavily, is visited by Rhett, who proposes to her and offers to give her everything she wants. Though she says that she does not love him, she agrees to marry him, and on their expensive honeymoon, he vows to spoil her to stop her nightmares of the war. A year later, Scarlett gives birth to a daughter, whom Melanie nicknames “Bonnie Blue.” Though Rhett has never cared about Atlanta society, he now wants to ensure Bonnie's future. He begins to acquire respectability, and within a few years his charitable contributions and sincere devotion to Bonnie impresses even the hardest of Atlanta's matrons. Meanwhile, Scarlett still longs for Ashley and has told Rhett that she no longer wants him to share her bedroom. One day, Ashley's sister India and some other women see Scarlett and Ashley in an embrace. Though nothing improper happened, Scarlett is afraid to attend Melanie's birthday party for Ashley that night. A furious Rhett forces her to attend, though, then leaves. Melanie's open affection to her makes Scarlett ashamed, and when she returns home she sneaks into the dining room to drink. There she finds Rhett drunk and a violent quarrel erupts. After Scarlett calls Rhett a drunken fool, he grabs her and carries her upstairs, angrily telling her that this night there will not be “three in a bed.” The next morning, Scarlett is happy, but when Rhett scoffs that his behavior was merely an indiscretion, her happiness turns to anger. Rhett then leaves for an extended trip to England and takes Bonnie with him.
Some months later, because Bonnie is homesick, Rhett returns to Atlanta and discovers that Scarlett is pregnant. She is happy to see Rhett, but his smirk of indifference and accusation about Ashley enrages her so that she starts to strike him and falls down the stairs. She loses the baby, and although she calls to him during her delirium, Rhett does not know and thinks that she hates him. After she recovers, he suggests that the anger and hatred stop for Bonnie's sake, and Scarlett agrees, but as they are talking, the headstrong Bonnie tries to make her pony take a jump and she falls and breaks her neck. Both are shattered by Bonnie's death, especially Rhett, who refuses to let her be buried because Bonnie was afraid of the dark. Only Melanie, to whom Rhett has always felt a closeness, convinces him to let the child go. After her talk with Rhett, Melanie, who has become pregnant despite the danger to her health, collapses and suffers a miscarriage. On her deathbed, Melanie asks Scarlett to take care of Ashley, but when Scarlett sees how much the distraught Ashley loves Melanie, she finally realizes how wrong she has been for years and knows that it is Rhett she truly loves. She rushes back home and tries to prevent him from leaving her, but he will not stay because it is too late for them. Scarlett tearfully asks him what she will do and as he leaves he answers, “Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn.” Through her sobs, Scarlett begins to think of Tara, from which she has always gained strength, and determines that she will return there and will think of a way to get Rhett back. She resolves to think about it tomorrow for, “after all, tomorrow is another day.”
Just after Ashley and Melanie marry, Scarlett and Charles marry as well, delighting Melanie, who tells Scarlett that now they will truly be sisters. Some time later, Scarlett receives word that Charles has died of the measles, and she is forced to don widow's black clothing and refrain from going to the parties she loves. Her understanding mother Ellen decides to let her go to Atlanta to stay with Melanie and her Aunt Pittypat, hoping that Scarlett will feel less restless there. At an Atlanta fundraising bazaar, Scarlett is so bored watching other girls dance, that when Rhett bids for her in a dance auction, she enthusiastically leads the Virginia Reel with him, oblivious to the outrage of the shocked local matrons. Rhett, who has become a successful blockade runner, continues to see Scarlett over the next few months and brings her presents from his European trips. As the war rages, Melanie and Scarlett receive word that Ashley will be returning home on a Christmas leave. Atlanta is now suffering the privation of a long siege, but the women manage to give Ashley a small Christmas feast. Before he returns to the front, Ashley tells Scarlett that the South is losing the war and asks her to stay by the pregnant Melanie.
Melanie goes into labor as Atlantans leave the city before Northern troops arrive. When Aunt Pitty leaves for Charleston, Scarlett desperately wants to go with her, but remembers her promise to Ashley, and remains with Melanie. Because Melanie's labor is difficult and the doctor is too busy attending wounded soldiers to come to her aid, Scarlett must attend her alone. After the baby is born, Scarlett sends her maid Prissy for Rhett, who reluctantly arrives with a frightened horse and a wagon. Though he thinks that Scarlett is crazy when she insists upon returning to Tara, he risks his life to drive the women and the infant through the now-burning city. Outside Atlanta, as Rhett and Scarlett see the decimated Southern army in retreat, he feels ashamed and resolves to join them for their last stand. Scarlett is furious with him, even after he admits that he loves her and gives her a passionate kiss before leaving. When the women finally arrive at Tara, the plantation is a shambles and the house has been looted. Scarlett's mother Ellen has just died of typhoid and her father's mind is gone. Desperate for something to eat, Scarlett first tries drinking whiskey, then goes into the fields. After choking on a radish, she vows that if she lives through this she will never go hungry again. [An Intermission divides the story at this point.]
Soon Scarlett bullies her sisters and the remaining house slaves into working in the fields. After she kills a Yankee scavenger and, with Melanie's help, hides the body, the contents of his wallet provide them with some money for food. When the war ends, Ashley returns and Scarlett goes to him for advice when Pork, one of the former slaves who has remained with the family, tells her that $300 in taxes are owed on Tara. Ashley offers no solution to her problem, but admits once again that he loves her, even though he will never leave Melanie. More determined than ever to obtain the money after Jonas Wilkerson, a ruthless Yankee who was once Tara's overseer, says that he is going to buy Tara when it is auctioned off for taxes, Scarlett decides to ask Rhett for the money. With no proper clothes to wear, Scarlett and her old governess, Mammy, use material from Tara's velvet drapes for a new dress. In Atlanta, they discover that Rhett has been imprisoned by the Yankees, but has charmed his way into their good graces. Scarlett tries to pretend that everything is fine at Tara, but Rhett soon sees her roughened hands and realizes what her situation is. Because he is under arrest and his money is all in an English bank, Rhett cannot help Scarlett, so she leaves, infuriated. That same day, she runs into Frank Kennedy, her sister Suellen's beau, and sees that he has become a successful merchant. Scarlett tricks Frank into marrying her by telling him that Suellen loves someone else, and is thus able to use his money to save Tara. Scarlett then moves to Atlanta to work at Frank's shop and to make his fledgling lumber business a success. She also uses an unwitting Melanie to help make Ashley come to work at the lumber mill. One day, Scarlett is attacked by scavengers while driving her carriage near a shanty town, but is saved by Big Sam, a former Tara slave. Scarlett is not physically harmed, but that night Frank, Ashley and some of the other men band together to “clear out” the shanty. While Scarlett, Melanie and the other women wait at Melanie's house, Rhett arrives to warn them that the Yankees are planning an ambush. Melanie tells him where the men have gone, and some time later, he prevents their arrest by pretending to the Yankees that they have all been drinking with him at the notorious Belle Watling's bordello. Ashley is wounded, but Frank has died on the raid.
A few weeks later, Scarlett, who is drinking heavily, is visited by Rhett, who proposes to her and offers to give her everything she wants. Though she says that she does not love him, she agrees to marry him, and on their expensive honeymoon, he vows to spoil her to stop her nightmares of the war. A year later, Scarlett gives birth to a daughter, whom Melanie nicknames “Bonnie Blue.” Though Rhett has never cared about Atlanta society, he now wants to ensure Bonnie's future. He begins to acquire respectability, and within a few years his charitable contributions and sincere devotion to Bonnie impresses even the hardest of Atlanta's matrons. Meanwhile, Scarlett still longs for Ashley and has told Rhett that she no longer wants him to share her bedroom. One day, Ashley's sister India and some other women see Scarlett and Ashley in an embrace. Though nothing improper happened, Scarlett is afraid to attend Melanie's birthday party for Ashley that night. A furious Rhett forces her to attend, though, then leaves. Melanie's open affection to her makes Scarlett ashamed, and when she returns home she sneaks into the dining room to drink. There she finds Rhett drunk and a violent quarrel erupts. After Scarlett calls Rhett a drunken fool, he grabs her and carries her upstairs, angrily telling her that this night there will not be “three in a bed.” The next morning, Scarlett is happy, but when Rhett scoffs that his behavior was merely an indiscretion, her happiness turns to anger. Rhett then leaves for an extended trip to England and takes Bonnie with him.
Some months later, because Bonnie is homesick, Rhett returns to Atlanta and discovers that Scarlett is pregnant. She is happy to see Rhett, but his smirk of indifference and accusation about Ashley enrages her so that she starts to strike him and falls down the stairs. She loses the baby, and although she calls to him during her delirium, Rhett does not know and thinks that she hates him. After she recovers, he suggests that the anger and hatred stop for Bonnie's sake, and Scarlett agrees, but as they are talking, the headstrong Bonnie tries to make her pony take a jump and she falls and breaks her neck. Both are shattered by Bonnie's death, especially Rhett, who refuses to let her be buried because Bonnie was afraid of the dark. Only Melanie, to whom Rhett has always felt a closeness, convinces him to let the child go. After her talk with Rhett, Melanie, who has become pregnant despite the danger to her health, collapses and suffers a miscarriage. On her deathbed, Melanie asks Scarlett to take care of Ashley, but when Scarlett sees how much the distraught Ashley loves Melanie, she finally realizes how wrong she has been for years and knows that it is Rhett she truly loves. She rushes back home and tries to prevent him from leaving her, but he will not stay because it is too late for them. Scarlett tearfully asks him what she will do and as he leaves he answers, “Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn.” Through her sobs, Scarlett begins to think of Tara, from which she has always gained strength, and determines that she will return there and will think of a way to get Rhett back. She resolves to think about it tomorrow for, “after all, tomorrow is another day.”
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